Sunday, 20 October 2024

The Warrior Who Fought in Two Eras

Soldiers in the Philippines once reported seeing a strange man appear during a battle. He wore armor that looked centuries old and fought using weapons that should have been useless in modern combat. He moved like he was trained in ancient warfare but somehow adapted to the modern battlefield. When the fighting stopped, he was nowhere to be found. Some say he was a ghost from the past, still fighting battles he never finished.

My Take: Time does not seem to apply to some people the way it does to the rest of us. Maybe there are warriors who never truly die, or maybe history has cracks where people slip through. Either way, it makes you wonder if the past is ever really gone.

The Man Who Knew the Future

A businessman received a phone call from an unknown number. The voice on the line told him to cancel his upcoming flight. The caller gave no...